At the turn of September and October, our company participated with the support of the Union of Glass and Costume Jewelery Manufacturers in two cultural – presentation events called “Century of Czech Design” in Astana (25 – 29 September 2018) and Yekaterinburg (3 – 8 October 2018). The accompanying program was B2B meetings and physical presentation of our products both in the form of exhibitions and in the form of a fashion show presentation, which was the main point of the program of both evening events. A big thank you also to four Czech models from Miss Czech Republic, who managed to elevate our products to almost heavenly heights.

In both cases, the entire event “Century of Czech Design” focused primarily on presenting and enhancing the image of the Czech Republic as a center of industrial production and applied arts. We are pleased that we have been able to represent our beautiful country in this way, and the subsequent many responses (both during and after both events) have assured us that our participation was rewarded and extremely successful.